Jumat, 21 Februari 2014

Puisi Terbaik

Duka Ibu Pertiwi

Ketika matahari mulai tampak
Namun bulan tak menyapa
Ketika kuncup mulai merekah
Namun bunga tak menyanggah

                           Duka nestapa silih berganti
                           Mengiringi langkah ibu pertiwi
                           Bergelayut awan hitam kelabu
                           Seakan tak mau beranjak pergi

Dera siksa yang kejam
Badai yang terus menerjang
Lontaran batu api membara
Kian mengikis sukma kalbu

                          Namun itulah islah kehidupan
                          Dalam rupa mahasempurna
                          Akan menguatkan fondasi ibu pertiwi
                          Dan tetap tersenyum tegar

Grief Motherland

As the sun began to appear
But the moon does not say hello
When the buds begin to fissure
But the flowers do not refute

           Sorrow alternated
           Accompanying measures motherland
           Black clouds hung gray
           Seemed to not want to walk away

Cruel corporal punishment
The storm
that keeps crashing
Throw a stone fire burning
Increasingly eroding soul heart

But that's life reconciliation
           In a way perfect being
           Will strengthen the foundation of the motherland
           Strong and keep smiling

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